New Beginnings! 16-25 September 2016
We were delighted to host 'New Beginnings!', a week of celebratory events which ran from 16-25 September 2016 to celebrate the opening of our reordered building. Hundreds of guests came to explore the space, marvel at the flower displays and enjoy a range of special events.
N"ew Beginnings launched with a contemporary flower festival and an exclusive preview evening saw 80 guests enjoy canapés and music as they had a first look at the flower displays, all of which were based on a 'New Beginnings' story from the Bible. Local floral designer and church member, Elizabeth Lindsay planned the festival and was supported by talented arrangers from Chester, Hoylake, New Brighton and Wirral flower clubs. The festival opened to the public on Saturday and Sunday and, as well as delightful displays of flowers, guests enjoyed refreshments and opportunities to try their hand at flower arranging in workshops including 'Lonely Bouquet'. Musicians gave recitals at intervals throughout the day, and singers of all ages performed with the popular 'Pop Up Choir'.
New Beginnings continued throughout the following week, and there was a very well-attended "Coffee, Cake & A Nose Around" morning on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday saw the church transformed into a beautiful Prayer Space, and then transformed again for an evening with our hall users, the Royal Scottish Country Dancing Society, on Wednesday night. The entrance lounge was packed out for 'Old Roots, New Beginnings', a talk on the history of the church followed by a complimentary cream tea on Thursday, and on Friday evening over 70 guests sang along to Joseph & the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. On Saturday, we welcomed back Toddlers for Dads for their first session of the autumn term, were thrilled to launch a new children's group, and enjoyed an afternoon with inflatable fun for young people and The BIG Quiz for all the family. The week closed with the BREAKOUT! Harvest Service on Sunday 25 September, followed by a fabulous bring and share lunch. |
As part of our New Beginnings week, we were delighted to display photos from weddings which have taken place at the church. Thank you to everyone who submitted a photograph - the oldest being from 1941 and the most recent being only a few weeks old!
It was a pleasure to welcome so many different people to West Kirby URC and we hope many will keep in touch.
It was a pleasure to welcome so many different people to West Kirby URC and we hope many will keep in touch.