At West Kirby URC, we are committed to the safeguarding of children and adults in need of protection and to ensuring their well-being.
f ever you have any concerns about the safety or welfare of a child or of an adult in need of protection, even if the concern seems small or “just a niggle”, please contact our Safeguarding Co-Ordinator, Sarah Jackson, by email to sarahjackson6521[at] You can ready more about Sarah's role below.
f ever you have any concerns about the safety or welfare of a child or of an adult in need of protection, even if the concern seems small or “just a niggle”, please contact our Safeguarding Co-Ordinator, Sarah Jackson, by email to sarahjackson6521[at] You can ready more about Sarah's role below.
Quick downloads by clicking the images -
West Kirby URC Safeguarding Policy and URC handbook, 'Good Practice 6'
West Kirby URC Safeguarding Policy and URC handbook, 'Good Practice 6'
Quick Download - Safeguarding Recording Form

Safeguarding Co-Ordinators:
A Safeguarding Co-Ordinator and Deputy Safeguarding Co-Ordinator are appointed and commissioned by West Kirby United Reformed Church to respond to any safeguarding concerns.
If you have any concerns about the safety or welfare of a child or adult in need of protection you can contact our Safeguarding Coordinator, Sarah Jackson, by email to sarahjackson6521[at] Sarah is a member of West Kirby URC and she co-ordinates the church’s safeguarding policy and procedure. Sarah is the first point of contact for safeguarding issues and is an advocate for good safeguarding practice.
Sarah is supported by our Deputy Safeguarding Co-Ordinator, Lin Ryan, whose contact details are available in the church membership directory or via the staff team here. If ever there is something you couldn't share with Sarah, or if she is unavailable, you are very welcome to contact Lin.
Our Beliefs about Safeguarding:
We are committed to:
Useful Contacts:
To help those with particular needs to contact specialists who can help them, our 'Useful Contacts' poster is displayed on our Safe Church noticeboard (located in the hall entrance) and in the toilets, and is also available to download here. For information about online safety, Good Practice 4 recommends a visit to To find out more about safeguarding in the Mersey Synod of the URC, including contact details for the Synod Safeguarding Officer, click here. |