West Kirby URC's Staff Team
Together with all the church members, especially those who serve as elders and trustees, our staff team care for and direct the church.
Rev. Louise Franklin
Minister 625-3998 / 07885 500371
[email protected] Kath Hilborne
Church-Life Co-Ordinator 07930 137041
[email protected] |
Dan Sach
Youth & Children's Work Co-Ordinator Emma Jackson
Worship Development Co-Ordinator |
Louise serves the national United Reformed Reformed Church as Minister at West Kirby URC in 75% of her working time and as Minister at St. David's URC, Eastham in 25% of her working time. She usually works from an office at home.
Dan and Kath work full-time for West Kirby URC and are based in the Church Office, located off the halls entrance lounge. Emma works there too, on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.
If we can be of any help to you, please get in touch using the email addresses above or visit the contact us page. If your enquiry relates to booking a hall at West Kirby URC, please read the information here which includes contact details for our hall bookings secretary. Thank you!
We're also blessed to have a wonderful caretaker, Janet, who cleans and cares for the church building.