Special events...
During the pandemic, many activities have moved online but here's a taster of our usual special events...
Hidden in Plain Sight - March 2020
We were delighted to welcome back comedian ANDY KIND with his new show HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT “5 clues that you might have missed in the search for meaning”. The show was full of jokes and storytelling but with the aim of dismantling the amorphous worldview of 21st Century Britain and offering a better story. Just like the reviewers said, “Andy won us all from the “get go! His dazzling humour was pacy, real, self–critical, teasing, and hilarious" and his Gospel message, about the love of God that's hidden in plain sight, was brilliant, the best conversation for Alpha we could have asked for! |
What do you really want for Christmas? 2019

We asked "What do you really want for Christmas?" at our special events this year, exploring answers including love, hope, joy and peace.
As well as Advent Coffee, Cake & Communion and Advent Fresh Bread, we enjoyed a fabulous Pop-Up Nativity at Something New and explored the theme of light at the annual Carol Service, with the church beginning in darkness and growing brighter as the readings and carols told the story of the true Light, Jesus, coming into the world.
Pursuing our vision of Connecting your Community to Christ, we hosted Carols Around the Tree for the local business community and took Christmas services to Riversdale Nursing Home and to the Places of Welcomers who meet in our hall. We were delighted to host West Kirby Primary School's Carol Service and to visit our neighbours at West Kirby Residential School for their Christmas Market.
Much fun was had at the Toddlers Christmas parties, and it's always special to watch the visit a very special stable to receive presents from a Christmas angel! After a term's hard work rehearsing, the brilliant FUSE Youth performed their Christmas play, Mary, to two wow-ed audiences (and some very proud youth leaders!), and then enjoyed an after-party at Grand Ave. We had some crazy fun on Christmas Eve at our 3pm service, and then a worship service at 8.30pm, before coming together on Christmas Day to celebrate what we reallllly want for Christmas - A Saviour!
We really enjoyed welcoming everyone who visited West Kirby URC over Christmas - thanks for coming!
As well as Advent Coffee, Cake & Communion and Advent Fresh Bread, we enjoyed a fabulous Pop-Up Nativity at Something New and explored the theme of light at the annual Carol Service, with the church beginning in darkness and growing brighter as the readings and carols told the story of the true Light, Jesus, coming into the world.
Pursuing our vision of Connecting your Community to Christ, we hosted Carols Around the Tree for the local business community and took Christmas services to Riversdale Nursing Home and to the Places of Welcomers who meet in our hall. We were delighted to host West Kirby Primary School's Carol Service and to visit our neighbours at West Kirby Residential School for their Christmas Market.
Much fun was had at the Toddlers Christmas parties, and it's always special to watch the visit a very special stable to receive presents from a Christmas angel! After a term's hard work rehearsing, the brilliant FUSE Youth performed their Christmas play, Mary, to two wow-ed audiences (and some very proud youth leaders!), and then enjoyed an after-party at Grand Ave. We had some crazy fun on Christmas Eve at our 3pm service, and then a worship service at 8.30pm, before coming together on Christmas Day to celebrate what we reallllly want for Christmas - A Saviour!
We really enjoyed welcoming everyone who visited West Kirby URC over Christmas - thanks for coming!
Comedy Night with Andy Kind - 4 October 2019
FUSE Youth at Soul Survivor - August 2019
BackPackers Holidays Club - July 2019
We had a brilliant time at BackPackers Holiday Club, travelling around the world with themed activities, games and crafts as we explored the life of Jesus.
Thank you everyone for coming, and thank you to the 40+ fabulous volunteers, up-front and behind-the-scenes, who made BackPackers happen! Have a look at our highlights here |
Church Weekend - April 2019
Over 60 members and friends of West Kirby URC had a wonderful weekend together exploring worship. There's a gallery of pictures here.
Look out for the characters in our life-sized game of Cluedo! |
Easter 2019
We joined in with the Churches Together in West Kirby Lent programme of joint activities, welcoming guests to be still and reflect at Fresh Bread for Lent. Our Easter celebrations began when we hosted a special Churches Together in West Kirby event: an inspiring, imaginative and VERY impressive solo performance of Mark's Gospel by Howard Jones. Thank you everyone for coming!
Later in April, we explored the Palm Sunday story with crafts, games and food at a super-fun Saturday Kidz Special for all the family - check out the pin the tail on the donkey! We visited Riversdale Nursing Home to take an Easter service to the residents and staff, held an extra Coffee, Cake & Communion celebration on Maundy Thursday and participated in the annual Churches Together act of witness at the Marine Lake on Good Friday - and it was the sunniest year yet! On Good Friday evening, we reflected on the words "it was my sin that held Him there" - you can listen to the talk here - and worshipped Jesus who said "I have the authority to give my life, and I have the authority to take my life back again" (John 10:18). The church was quiet the following day... Holy Saturday, when it seemed that God was silent... And then on Easter Sunday we had two services, all celebrating together that Jesus is risen! The Easter investigation in our all-age service revealed that the tomb was empty because He is alive! |